Monday, July 2, 2007

Reflections on Sessions 6 and 7

Students are holding up pretty well during these double sessions. (I hate to tell them that another is around the corner...but it's the last one.) I had to schedule the double sessions earlier in the semester so students could spend some time later working on their individual and group projects later on. I know they won't appreciate this "load balancing" until perhaps the end of the semester. In the meantime, I can be known as the "slave driver." (Don't midterm exam in this class!)

Students from last summer's CSMN 601 class.


Anonymous said...


I posted an issue in my Session 4 Blog I had hoped you would comment on, but was probably lost in the shuffle of the double session week.
I am trying to assess where this course fits into the new curriculum that has been instituted as of Fall 2007.

I took CSMN 601 because it was the listed as the first class required on the Masters of Science, Information Assurance Track. But UMUC completely revamped the Masters Programs about 2 weeks after I signed up and paid for this class and as far as I can tell, this class, CSMN 601, no longer exists as of Fall 2007 and satisfies no credit requirements under the new MSIT programs.

Under the new curriculum, I have to take TMAN 625, ITEC 610-640 and INFA 610-670 which means I do not even need elective credits since this will give me 36 credits. I know I will learn some good information from this class, but I really feel UMUC did a big disservice to me by not notifying me of these changes and allowing me to take this class knowing they were getting ready to change the curriculum and knowing this class would no longer fill a requirement.

I would like to know if this class has been converted to a new class under the Fall 2007 curriculum and I have just not been able to find that information or if I just have to deal with the fact that I may have wasted a semester taking a class, that while good and informative, does not satisfy any requirements.

I attempted to address this issue to my academic advisor. In reply she just sent me a huffy email and a copy of the new curriculum and no additional explanation other than to say if I had problems understanding the new curriculum, I should ask.

Les said...

CSMN 601 is now ITEC 610. So this class WILL count toward your MS degree. I apologize for your nonresponsive advisor but this new program is unfamiliar to many people.